Ich bin stolz darauf, dass in unserem Verlag des Biographiezentrums zunehmend mehr internationale Biographien publiziert werden. Lesen Sie beispielsweise diese hier (in englisch):

Aus der Verlagsinformation: Iraq has dominated the news for well over a decade. The general perception of the country has been overshadowed by Western media reports of violence and upheaval during and after the 2003 war which toppled Saddam Hussein.  But what was life there really like, and how is it today? And what are the main differences between this ancient culture and life in the brash West?

One of the few people personally qualified to draw this contrast is Muthana Kubba, an Iraqi, successful first as a respected engineer in Baghdad, and then as an international entrepreneur in Europe.  He tries hard to reconcile and understand both worlds.

Join him in a series of journeys from life in the marshes of Southern Iraq to the intricacies of Codecs, from ruthless dictatorship to Swiss mountain tranquillity, from soft spoken academia to vicious grey wolves of the business world, from British decency to blows below the belt. A fascinating trip by any account.

The book is full of real life anecdotes and short stories, and gives a unique personal insight into the inner workings of the Iraqi mind and society, as well as a glimpse into the world of international business and its intrigues.

A rare opportunity to experience both sides of one of today’s foremost topics.